Benefits of Honey for health and beauty.For the Health Honey in a concentration of 30% to 50% function much better than other antibiotics. Thick honey stop the growth of bacteria Candida alb. Honey mengencer by 40% to be bacteridal (bacteria killer), so it can act as anti-bacterial and anti fungal. Honey shigela effective against Salmonella, of vulvar cancer patients after surgery, suture wounds and skin grafting E.Coli and Vibrio cholerae causes cholera disease that has claimed millions of people in the world. Honey to treat post-operative wound infections, ulcers, drugs for the treatment. Honey shorten the lifetime of bacterial diarrhea in infants. As the drugs wound, honey can absorb water on the wound, thus preventing infection and improving the network quickly. Honey penetrating injuries, and assist the formation of new tissue granules. Honey stop the growth of pathogenic organisms in patients with urinary tract infection. Because it contains sugars that rapidly absorbed by the digestive system, honey is a source of instant energy. Honey is antibacterial because of natural acidity and hydrogen peroxide it generates. Regular consumption of honey strengthens the white blood cells to fight bacteria and diseases caused by viruses. Honey is good for the eyes and vision.Reducing the effects of poison. Honey is useful for urinary tract infections. Honey overcome dizziness. Honey is directly taken from the nest can promote weight loss., And is a mild laxative. Honey is stored longer helps the body's metabolism. Honey can preserve food. The cakes by using honey as a substitute for white sugar will be much longer fresh because it contains a natural antibiotic. Honey overcome respiratory problems, especially to expel phlegm or fluids that clog the airways. Honey is believed to be aprodisiak or generating sexual arousal. Honey is a mild disinfectant, so it can cure sore throat. This sweet liquid can also increase production of saliva or salivary fluid that can help overcome a dry or irritated throat. The opera singers use honey to maintain the condition of their throats to be able to sing with excellent sound quality.
· One tablespoon of honey can supply as many as 64 calories of energy.
· All natural honey can treat wounds because of blisters or burns.
· Honey can heal.
· Constipation can be treated with honey.
· Ulcer patients, safely eat honey.
· Diabetics are also safe to consume honey, under the supervision of a physician.
· Allergy sufferers in an environment, can be cured by eating a spoonful of honey every day from the same environment.
· Mix honey and carrot juice beneficial for eyesight and good for those who often linger in front of the computer work.
· Honey can relieve asthma symptoms when consumed in the form of juice with black pepper and ginger powder.
· To maintain blood pressure, taken with honey garlic.
· Honey may reduce weight and cleanse the blood.
· Honey treat anemia.
· Osteoporosis can be prevented by the honey.
· In addition to overcoming a cold, honey is also a remedy for cough.
· They are the longest age always eat honey regularly. An other interesting facts are beekeepers avoid cancer and narrowing of blood vessels.
· Every 1,000 g of honey worth 3280 calories. Calorific value of 1 kg of honey is equal to 50 eggs or milk l 5.575, or 1.680 kg of meat.
· Honey is useful for stomach health.
· Honey is very useful normalize organ function, and invigorating the nerves work.
· Sugar and minerals in honey serves as a tonic which gives the source of energy for the heart.
· Mineral content of honey can reduce the degree of acidity and help prevent gastric bleeding.
· Papaya juice mixed with honey is beneficial for growing children, pregnant women and facilitate breast milk.
· Coconut water and honey mixture efficacious negate the harmful effects of excessive sex drive.
· Reduce the pain when my period.
· Add energy during pregnancy and childbirth as well as strengthen the fetus.
· Mix honey, herbs and eggs expedite the process of wound healing in the stomach or the uterus after childbirth.
· Honey to treat burn wounds, the skin is exposed to splashes of hot oil, hot water or exhaust motor.
· Orange juice plus honey can overcome a heart condition.
· Honey increase fertility of men and women.
· For alcoholics, the consumption of honey and fruit juice in large quantities can stop the addiction.
· Honey can be used for cleaning teeth and gums.
For Children :
1. Honey is applied to the baby's gums is a sedative and anesthesia is safe for the baby teeth in the growth period.
2. Honey is good for children because it serves as a disinfectant, improve blood composition, increasing hemoglobin levels and increase appetite. Honey is sedative (sedative) are useful to overcome bedwetting in children, in addition to making sleep more soundly. Honey is useful for treating intestinal worms. Honey to treat coughs, colds and fever in children for Beauty Honey is an antioxidant that can improve the beauty of the skin, soften and make the youth. Honey softens the lips, moisturize and prevent dry lips or chapped.
3. Honey can eliminate acne.
4. Honey remove stains and black spots on the face and prevent wrinkles.
5. Add honey hair fertility.